BFA Magna Cum Laude, College of Santa Fe- Santa Fe, New Mexico 2007
2024. Podcast interview with Jeff Krisman on Deep and meaningful conversations
2019 Book Cover Art, At the Table of the Unknown, Poems by Alexandra Ulmas
2019 Book Cover Art, Rattle Magazine: a quarterly poetry magazine, Spring Issue #63
2018 Art Fusion Radio Talk Show hosted by Ron Whitmore, Santa fe
2017 Culture Shock: The Radical We: Art featured in Article, Weekly Alibi
2015 KRQE Morning Talk Show: Pop-Up Collective: Reform
2015 KASA Fox News Morning Talk Show: Pop-Up Collective: Cardiac- Painting Featured
2014 Morning Brew Talk Show, Pop-Up Collective: Cardiac Interview
2014 Alibi Article by Ian Wolf: Pop-UP Collective Cardiac
2014 New Art In The Neighborhood- Wells Park Welcomes: Angie Poynter Rehnberg
2009 American Art Collector Magazine, Paintings Featured
2009 THE Magazine, Paintings Featured
2024 Live painting at Behind the Mask Gala, Albuquerque convention center
2024 The Gallery at Sunday Service Motor Company, Albuquerque, NM
2024 Woman’s Maker and Shapers, 3017 Gallery, Artist and Exhibition Curator,
2023 L’After Hours: Launched the very 1st art show for Artisan ABQ. Curated for 1 year, 1 exhibition every month). This eventually became what is currently 3017 Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2019 Solo Exhibit: Contemporary Animal works, Nob Hill Bar and Grill, Albuquerque, NM
2018 Contemporary Animal Portraits, Tractor Nob Hill, Albuquerque, NM
2018 Winter Works, Open Space Visitor Center, Albuquerque, NM
2017 Wild and Domestic, Tractor Nob Hill, Albuquerque, NM
2017 Animal Antics, (Art Glass Release) Tractor Wells Park, Albuquerque, NM
2016 2bers Music Video Shoot & Pop-Up Art Show, Albuquerque, NM
2016 Culture 505, Warehouse 21 Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2016 Zephyr: Grand Opening Music and Performance Space, Santa Fe, NM
2015 Pop-Up Collective Presents: Manifold, SCA Contemporary Gallery, 524 Haines Ave., Albuquerque, NM
2015 Prime 8, Stone Age, Albuquerque, NM
2015 All our Worlds Future, Tractor Brewery Nob Hill, Albuquerque, NM
2015 24hrs of Art Festival, Civic Plaza, Albuquerque
2015 Pop-Up Collective Presents: Reform, Rolling Clean Benefit Show, 3339 Central Ave. NW, Albuquerque, NM
2015 Deflated and Twitterpated: Valentine’s Day Show, Downtown Contemporary, Albuquerque, NM
2014 24hrs of Art Festival, Rail Yards, Albuquerque
2014 Tractor Presents Angie Poynter Rehnberg, Solo Exhibition, Tractor Brewery at Wells Park, Albuquerque, NM
2014 Pop-Up Cardiac, Heart Hospital of New Mexico Foundation Benefit Show, West Bund West, Albuquerque, NM
2014 You’re on TV Analog Show, Factory on 5th, 5G gallery Albuquerque, NM
2014 The Peoples Show, Factory on 5th, 5G gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2014 Valentine’s Day Show, Downtown Contemporary, Albuquerque, NM
2012 Home, Hydra Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2011 Day of the Dead, Collaborative Skull Project, Boro Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2011 Works by Angie Poynter Rehnberg: Solo Exhibition, Boro Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2010 Fundraiser of Children of Nicaragua, Applesauce Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2010 2 Woman Show, Boro Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2010 UpScale, Solo exhibit, Scalo Restaurant, Albuquerque, NM
2010 Untitled, Group Show, Hydra Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2010 Painted Dames, Little Wing Music and Performance Space, Santa Fe, NM
2010 Divine Feminine, Fafa's Gallery, Taos, NM
2009 Artisan's Art Expo Show, Santa Fe, NM
2009 Go Figure, Backroads, Santa Fe, NM
2009 La Donna e Mobile, Skotia Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2009 Open House, T-66 Counterintuitive Collective Space, Santa Fe, NM
2009 Artisan Show, Artisan Art Supplies, Santa Fe, NM
2008 Push-Pin Show, Stewart Udall Center, Santa Fe, NM
2007 Perspectives Fine Art Grand Opening, Perspectives Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2007 Paramnesia, Senior Thesis, College of Santa Fe Fine Arts Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2006 Convergence II, Primitive Edge Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2006 Working Mammoth, College of Santa Fe Fine Arts Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2006 Gossip: A Visual Conversation Started by Women, College of Santa Fe Fine Arts Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2004 Freshman and Sophomore Show, College of Santa Fe Fine Arts Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2003 Young Divas Show, Eco Art Center, Taos, NM
2003 Celebrando, Stables Gallery, Taos, NM
2015 Volunteer at MEOW WOLF, Santa Fe, NM
2007 Joan Larocca, Artist studio assistant, El Dorado, NM
2009 Taught workshop at Inside out Program, Santa Fe, NM
2009-2011 Co-Founded T-66 Counterintuitive Art Collective-Pop-UP Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2009-2011 Co-hosted a monthly critique group through T-66 Counterintuitive, Santa Fe, NM
2003 Barbara Bartels, Artist mentorship, Taos, NM
2003 Megan Bersback, Artist mentorship, Taos, NM
2003 Internship with Michael McCormick Gallery, Taos, NM